We are extremely honored to announce that we have won an award at the Scandinavian Business Awards 2022, hosted by EU Business News.
It is our great pleasure to announce that Blaugranagram and FotMob have reached an agreement over what is expected to be a long, fruitful partnership.
Read Blaugranagram’s live commentary of Switzerland vs. Spain, the first game of the EURO 2020 quarter-finals.
Blaugranagram’s Editor-in-chief has conducted an interview with ex-vice president – and recent presidential candidate of FC Barcelona, Emili Rousaud.
Blaugranagram and FC Barcelona have once again reached an agreement over a collaboration on Barça Live Match Center and Barça TV+.
Blaugranagram and FC Barcelona have once again reached an agreement over a collaboration on Barça Live Match Center and Barça TV+.
Es un gran placer para nosotros anunciar que Blaugranagram y FlashScore.cat han alcanzado un acuerdo sobre lo que se espera que sea una asociación duradera y fructífera.
És un plaer per nosaltres anunciar un nou acord de col·laboració entre Blaugranagram i FlashScore.cat que esperem que sigui beneficiós per ambdues parts durant molt de temps.
Blaugranagram is pleased to announce that it once again has reached an agreement with FC Barcelona over a collaborative effort.
It is our pleasure to announce that Blaugranagram officially is a formal company, registered and approved by the Danish Business Authorities.