Saturday, March 29, 2025 - 02:27 CET


Independent news outlet. The latest, reliable news and analysis about Barça and European football, daily.


Blaugranagram is always looking to expand its team of solid, dedicated people. If you think that resonates well with you, feel free to reach out to us!

People of any gender, race, ethnicity or background are welcomed! At Blaugranagram, we take a lot of pride in our team being extremely diverse, with staff members from all around the globe, ranging from Europe to the Americas, to Asia and Africa.

Please note that the roles, unless explicitly stated otherwise, are without financial remuneration, for the time being.

The remuneration will, instead, take place in the form of the exposure and reach that Blaugranagram has built for itself over the past years, across its many channels.

Speculative applications are always welcomed!

All applications should be sent via e-mail to

Editor, covering Barcelona’s first team

Blaugranagram is looking to expand its Editorial Staff.

Your primary tasks include the following:

  • Coverage of news regarding Barcelona’s first team through articles and/or social media content
  • Communication with the Editorial Staff
  • Willingness to partake in the meetings with the Editorial Staff when needed, provided it fits your time schedule
  • You will directly be reporting to Blaugranagram’s CEO and Chief Editor, Omar Hawwash.

The following are considered bonus points in your favor, and are not a must, but much welcomed nonetheless:

  • Willingness to partake in podcasts covering the first team or other of Barcelona’s teams
  • Opinionated pieces are welcomed, as long as the news have been reported adequately

We expect your communicative skills in English to be adequate. Possessing communicative skills in Spanish and/or Catalan are also bonuses.

All interested applicants should send their applications, via e-mail, to

We are aware that the role currently is without financial remuneration, but believe that working hand-in-hand with the Blaugranagram staff will provide you with a good learning experience, as well as help you gain more exposure as you continue to grow your career.

Editor, covering Barcelona Atlètic

Blaugranagram is looking for an editor with a good eye for Barcelona’s Atlètic.

Your primary tasks include the following:

  • Writing articles regarding the team
  • Daily communication with the Editorial Staff
  • Directly reporting to Blaugranagram’s Head of Femení and Atlètic coverage, Jordi Besosa

We expect your communicative skills in English to be adequate, and that you either already are a follower of Barcelona’s B team or intend to be one.

The following would be bonuses:

  • Opinionated articles are always welcomed
  • Previous experience in writing articles or drafting up content for social media
  • Willingness to participate in, or hosting of, a podcast covering the team. This is not a must, by any means, but would be preferable.
    • Should you decide to partake or host a podcast covering Barcelona B, the tools for distribution shall be provided by Blaugranagram and the Blaugranagram Podcast Network, of course free of charge.

All interested applicants should send their applications via e-mail to

We are aware that the role currently is without financial remuneration, but believe that working hand-in-hand with the Blaugranagram staff will provide you with a good learning experience, as well as help you gain more exposure as you continue to grow your career.

Editor, covering Barcelona Femení

Blaugranagram is also looking for an editor with a good eye for Barcelona’s women’s team.

Your primary tasks include the following:

  • Writing articles regarding the team
  • Daily communication with the Editorial Staff
  • Directly reporting to our CAO, Jordi Besosa

We expect your communicative skills in English to be adequate, and that you either already are a follower of Barcelona’s women’s team or intend to be one.

If you prefer to write articles in Spanish, that too can be arranged, so you either write articles in Spanish or both English and Spanish.

The following would be bonuses:

  • Opinionated articles are always welcomed
  • Previous experience in writing articles or drafting up content for social media

All interested applicants should send their applications via e-mail to

We are aware that the role currently is without financial remuneration, but believe that working hand-in-hand with the Blaugranagram staff will provide you with a good learning experience, as well as help you gain more exposure through our brand and online presence, as you continue to grow your career.