Flashscore recently interviewed former Barça player Ramón María Calderé and he analyzed Barça’s transformation from…
Oliver Domínguez — Editor, BCN
Read Blaugranagram’s live commentary for Croatia vs Scotland, the final round of the Group D…
Read Blaugranagram’s live commentary for Russia vs Denmark, the final round of the Group B…
Read Blaugranagram’s live commentary for Italy vs Switzerland, the second match of the Group A…
Read Blaugranagram’s live commentary for Spain vs Sweden, the second match of the Group D…
Read Blaugranagram’s live commentary for Netherlands vs Ukraine, the second match in Group C of…
There have been a lot of speculations regarding Emerson’s future, the Brazilian right back, who would be available for free in 2022, but the arrival of whom the club can bring forward to the summer of 2021 for 9 million.
En los últimos días se ha especulado mucho sobre el futuro del lateral brasileño Emerson Royal, que en 2022 llegaría al Barcelona gratis del Betis, pero el club puede adelantar su llegada un año por 9 millones.
Ousmane Dembélé has spent nearly 4 years at Barça, and it’s time to decide whether to renew his contract or to sell him, before his contract comes to an end.
Una de las grandes patatas calientes para la nueva junta directiva es el futuro del…